Forever Waiting: Lonely Pup Unaware Of Bakery’s Closure

Each day, a large number of stray dogs wander the streets in search of sustenance and shelter. Among these dogs is Jhonny, who has no apparent owner and spends his days hoping for kind-hearted individuals to offer him food and affection. Previously, the staff at La Espiga bakery had provided him with sustenance and even shared some of their own provisions with him. Unfortunately, the bakery has since been closed down, and Jhonny now waits outside, yearning for his friends to emerge and offer him nourishment again. It is truly heart-wrenching to think about the innumerable stray dogs that live on the streets, often falling ill, suffering abuse, and even starving. Nevertheless, there are always compassionate individuals ready to help them, and they hope that people will be encouraged to either adopt or provide food for Jhonny and other dogs like him whenever they encounter them.

A dog was found waiting outside a bakery by a Facebook user named Amandi Rodriguez Maya. The dog seemed to be alone and lacked an owner. Unfortunately, the bakery had closed its doors permanently, and the poor pup was not greeted with any food or attention as before. The loyal dog waited patiently outside the establishment throughout the day, hoping to be fed. However, since the “La Espiga” branch in Tampico’s center had closed in mid-December 2022, there was no more bread or food for him.

Meet Jhonny, a furry canine who has been spotted sleeping outside the Cuidado con el Perro store in the market. However, Jhonny is mostly seen waiting outside the bakery “La Espiga”, where he is always offered a taco by the staff members, even in bad weather conditions. Unfortunately, the bakery has now closed down, but Jhonny still waits outside, hoping for his food. The sad state of Jhonny has moved many people, and the publication aims to encourage individuals to offer him some food. If you come across Jhonny, please do offer him some food, but avoid giving him bones as they tend to hurt him. He loves croquettes and chicken, so small packets of these would be perfect for him.

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