“The Heartbreaking Tale of a Blind Pit Bull Abandoned and Tethered to a Park Bench”

It’s unfathomable to imagine someone abandoning a blind pit bull like this! Thankfully, the poor pup has found a caring home now. It’s unfortunate that many people adopt pets without realizing the immense responsibility that comes with it. In such cases, we can only hope that they do right by their furry companions. However, some people are just unbelievable! This particular pit bull was left stranded on a park bench, clueless about what was happening, after its owner abandoned it.


Polly, a pit bull who was blind, had been abandoned by her heartless owners and left tied to a bench in a Santa Barbara park. She was confused and disoriented, not knowing what was happening. Polly waited for her owners to return, but sadly, they never did. Fortunately, the park was regularly patrolled by animal control officers, who eventually found her. However, when they discovered Polly, she was too terrified to leave the bench even after being untied. The animal control team tried their best to coax the frightened dog away from the bench, and after some time, they were successful. The animal control officers were shocked that someone could abandon a helpless dog like Polly, but the worst was yet to come. When they examined Polly, they discovered that she had recently given birth, which meant that her cruel owners had simply used her to breed pit bull puppies and then discarded her like trash.


It’s true – the heartless owners only took in Polly so they could sell her offspring. She was forced to breed for years, and her babies were taken away from her immediately after birth. Fortunately, a kind-hearted animal rescuer named Jennifer Wales came to Polly’s rescue. Upon learning about the poor dog’s plight, Wales knew she had to act fast. She won Polly’s trust with a delicious cheeseburger, and finally, the exhausted dog was able to get some much-needed rest.


Polly finally found some peace without the constant noise and commotion from the breeders in the yard. However, things took a turn for the worse when Wales took her for a comprehensive medical check-up, revealing some devastating news. The poor blind pit bull’s heart was failing, and only further expensive tests could determine if surgery was an option. With the help of some kind donations, Wales was able to afford the tests, but unfortunately, the results were even more disheartening.


Polly had suffered the consequences of rapid breeding, resulting in damage to her heart. However, despite not being able to undergo surgery, there is a positive outcome – she is no longer under the control of her abusive owners. Although the doctors said that nothing more could be done for Polly’s heart, Wales has made it her mission to ensure that Polly lives out her remaining years with comfort and happiness. As a result, Polly now leads a fulfilling life as a happy dog, far removed from the terrified pup found on the bench. To discover more about Polly’s journey, watch the video below.


Blind Pit found herself tethered to a bench in the park without any knowledge of her whereabouts or the reason behind her abandonment.

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