“Unstoppable Duo: How Notorious the Paralyzed Pup and Shady the Blind Dog Show the Heartwarming Value of Adopted Pets”

According to Cheyeanne Murphy, her furry companions may not have physically saved her life, but they have rescued her from a dark path and made her existence more meaningful. The passing of her mother roughly ten years ago marked a turning point in Cheyeanne’s life. Her mom was young and healthy, but she discovered she had cancer, and a few months later, she was no more. Cheyeanne admits that she was on a different trajectory at the time, running a business that took up too much of her time. She was living someone else’s dream that did not align with hers, thinking that making money was the only way to spend her life. However, her mom’s cancer diagnosis opened her eyes to the unpredictability of life. She realized that life can change in an instant, and nothing is guaranteed in this world.

According to Cheyeanne, her mother’s death was both the best and worst thing that ever happened to her. It may seem terrible to others, but it forced her to live in the present moment despite her young age. With the support of her dogs – Cash (who is no longer with her) and later Notorious and Shady – she overcame the grief and started to truly live again. She decided to make some significant changes in her life, including changing her career, relocating, ending a long-term relationship, and spending a year discovering herself. She wanted to be happy and bring happiness to others, and she firmly believes that this is achievable.

Cheyeanne’s first rescue pet after her mother’s passing was Notorious, who also happened to be her first disabled pet. Her sister shared a Facebook link of the pup playing in the snow despite having no use of her hind legs, and Cheyeanne was smitten with the adorable furball. Witnessing the pup’s energy and zest for life, she knew she had to adopt her despite any challenges she may face. Though apprehensive since she had no experience with special needs pets, Cheyeanne applied for adoption, and several months later, Notorious became hers to love and care for.

After bringing home her new furry friend, whom she named Notorious, in Spokane, WA, the pup has remained happy and full of energy even eight years later. Notorious loves running 5Ks in her wheelchair and doesn’t let her disability hold her back. Her owner, Cheyeanne, shares that as soon as she lets Notorious off the leash, she fearlessly barrels down the hill, taking the lead on their adventures together. On the other hand, Cheyeanne’s other dog, Shady, was an instant love connection. Unlike most shelter dogs, Shady immediately trusted and loved everyone from the moment they met. Despite not being classified as an “unadoptable” rescue, Cheyeanne was still drawn to Shady and her sweet demeanor. The rescue informed Cheyeanne that Shady was considered a special needs dog and would be harder to adopt since people often prefer animals that serve some purpose, but Cheyeanne knew in her heart that Shady belonged with her.

After being hit by a car and losing both her eyes, Shady was surrendered to a veterinarian by her previous owners. Although vets attempted to reattach her eyes, only one was successful, leaving Shady with limited vision. Additionally, due to her advanced age, she was deemed less adoptable. However, Cheyeanne decided to adopt Shady and she is happy that she did. Shady has proven to be an easygoing dog who has adapted well to her new home. She loves everyone from men and women to kids and even other pets. Her friendly and adaptable nature has made her a joy to have around.

Cheyeanne has a unique tradition of naming her dogs after famous musicians, as music plays a vital role in her life. She named her dogs Cash, Notorious, and Shady after Johnny Cash, The Notorious B.I.G., and Slim Shady (Eminem), respectively. Music is an essential part of Cheyeanne’s life, and she believes that it helps her overcome the challenges of life. Therefore, she decided to name her dogs after musical icons, and she always believed that they would become icons themselves. She feels that music has been a constant companion during her ups and downs and has helped her realize that others face similar challenges. Cheyeanne’s senior dogs are now providing purpose and hope to her and inspiring others as well. However, owning rescue dogs with disabilities has not been easy, as expected. Notorious sometimes loses control of her bladder, and Shady has to be supervised around water as she can swim but has no sense of direction. Additionally, finding dog-sitters for the two dogs is a big responsibility, making it difficult for Cheyeanne to travel.

Despite the difficulties that come with having pets, there are undoubtedly some benefits that can make up for them. In fact, there are some little perks that you may not have considered prior to owning a furry companion. Cheyeanne, for instance, has discovered one such advantage: her pets can’t jump on the furniture, which she finds to be awesome.

Cheyeanne’s faithful companions, Notorious and Shady, have accompanied her on many exciting outdoor expeditions. Together, they’ve gone paddleboarding, hiking, and participated in 5k runs (and even 10k runs, with Shady safely nestled in a backpack). The dogs take great pleasure in observing wildlife and meeting new people.

Cheyeanne finds solace in the two dogs she rescued, Notorious and Shady. They serve as a reminder that life is precious and that it’s important to cherish even the smallest moments of joy. Despite their difficult pasts, Notorious and Shady wake up each day with happiness and love in their hearts, which has helped Cheyeanne overcome her own struggles. She hopes her experience inspires others to consider adopting rescue pets, particularly senior or disabled animals, as they can bring immense joy to one’s life. Cheyeanne believes that the effort put into caring for these pets is worthwhile, and encourages everyone to give them a chance.

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