Banana Magic: The Easiest Way to Grow Roses from Cuttings

Have you ever thought of using bananas to propagate roses? It may sound strange, but it’s a simple and effective method that anyone can try at home.

First, choose a healthy rose plant that you want to propagate. Look for stems that are around 6 inches long and have at least two or three leaves on them. Cut the stem at a 45-degree angle using a sharp and clean pair of scissors or pruning shears.

Once you have your stem, remove all the leaves except for the top two or three. This will help the plant focus its energy on growing roots instead of supporting leaves.

Next, grab a ripe banana and peel it. Take the peel and cut it into small pieces. Place them in a blender or food processor and blend until it turns into a smooth paste. Alternatively, you can use a mortar and pestle to crush the banana peel into a paste.

Apply the banana peel paste onto the cut end of the rose stem. Make sure to coat it thoroughly with the paste. Once it’s covered, gently place the stem into a pot filled with soil. Water it well and cover it with a plastic bag to create a humid environment for the stem to grow.

After about two to three weeks, check if the rose stem has developed roots. You can do this by gently tugging on the stem. If it resists, then it means that roots have formed. If not, continue to wait until you see some resistance.
Once the stem has rooted, remove the plastic bag and move it to a sunny spot. Water it frequently and watch as it grows into a beautiful rose plant.
That’s it! A simple and effective way to propagate roses from bananas. Give it a try and see how it works for you. Happy gardening!

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